My book, "Five Steps to Your Own Internet Travel Agency," teaches you to open a real Internet travel agencies, but there are many online programs for multilevel marketing, or MLM, agencies, which are quite different. Instead of being an agent who deals directly with clients, you buy a website through which you sell travel. This usually involves monthly fees, and the site is similar to self-service sites like Travelocity or Expedia. It's debatable whether people will choose your site over the well-known names, other than family and friends, so it's not wise to count on doing a high volume of business.
The real money-making opportunity is recruiting others to buy their own travel websites. You get money for drawing people in and commissions when the make sales on their sites. It's not so much about marketing travel as it is about marketing the business opportunity.
Ask yourself, what do you really want to sell? Do you want to help people book their trips, and do it through direct interaction with them, helping them with your expertise? Or do you want to sell websites? If you want to be a true home-based travel agent, you'll make your own website and work with a host agency. My book gives much more detail on this process.
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